Covid-19 vaccination intentions survey report

In December 2020, we ran a survey asking local people whether they intended to have the Covid-19 vaccine when it became available to them. We also asked them if there was any further information they needed to help them make a decision.

Our Clinical Chair Dr Navin Kumta, said: “We want to understand if peDr Navin Kumtaople in Kent and Medway have specific concerns about having the vaccine. We’ll use the feedback to look at what information and reassurance we could give before people make a final decision about having the vaccine.

“We know the virus has had a disproportionate impact on people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority communities. We believe it is important to get as many people from our communities vaccinated as possible; particularly those who are elderly or living with long term conditions.” 

More than 4,000 people responded to the survey and we have used their feedback to inform our communications, to target messaging to particular communities and to offer clinical professionals to speak at community events to provide factual information about the vaccine and bust the myths preventing people from having their jab.

If you work with a hard to reach community which has low vaccine uptake, please email our Engagement Team to discuss how we can support you. Email

You can read the survey report.

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