Bump, birth and beyond maternity services


Expectant parents in Kent and Medway can make informed choices about their maternity care with the help of our dedicated website Bump, Birth and Beyond.

It brings together information about local maternity services into one place, making it easier for families to find out about antenatal care, post-natal care and options for giving birth.

The website also includes what to expect during the different stages of pregnancy, choosing your birth setting, preparing for the birth, practical tips on caring for your baby and much more. 

There’s also a decision-making tool designed to help parents decide where to access care and direct links to hospitals’ maternity webpages for online self-referral.

An interactive map provides details of the different birth facilities available and how to contact your local health visiting team or children’s centre. In addition, there are video tours of birth settings to give you an insight into what is on offer.

You can also read real life stories from other local mums and families who share their own personal experiences about birth and local maternity services.

A neonatal section on the website features an interactive walk-through video plus links to neonatal transport and resources.

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